General Research

Today's Hours : 10 AM - 6 PM

Beginning Monday, May 6, the library will be undergoing exterior building renovations. This project includes repairing and painting the concrete base of the building, repainting the concrete columns, and replacing and painting the stucco, as well as some sidewalk repairs. During this time, entrances may become temporarily unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work to make improvements to the library.

General ResearchRSS

Includes Encyclopedia Britannica plus Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, magazines and periodicals, and many other research tools.

Discover the leading knowledge-building resource that is universally trusted for accurate and age-appropriate content in Spanish. New features make it more valuable than ever for native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and students learning Spanish.

A source for all grades (Pre-K-12) and all reading abilities. Available at three levels--elementary, middle, and high.

The exclusive online source for Consumer Reports magazine. View and print articles, complete with photos, charts and ratings.

Emerald Insight provides abstracts and full text articles from academic journals covering the subject areas of marketing, management, human resources, quality, economics, information management, operations, engineering, production and property, education, health and social care. (Note: a reference librarian must place the order for you. Call the Reference Desk at 516-921-7161 ext. 217.)

This database by EBSCO is for schools and public libraries and is designed to meet the unique needs of both student research and classroom instruction with rich, reliable content and easy to use functionality.  The database contains 5,600 topic overviews in categories.

Resource for academic research includes scholarly journals and selected general interest titles in a wide variety of subjects.

A one-stop source for news and periodical articles, including scholarly journals and news media, on a wide range of topics. Millions of full-text articles, many with images. Updated daily.

For middle and high school students, provides information from core curriculum areas using reference material, full-text periodicals and newspapers, primary sources, creative works, and multimedia, including video and audio clips.

Created specifically for middle school students, Categories cover a range of the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, U.S. and world history, literature, and many more. Research In Context provides engaging reference, periodical, and multimedia content supporting national and state curriculum standards for grades 6 to 12 in language arts, social studies, and science. 

Information on current issues, featuring viewpoint articles, topic overviews, magazine, academic journal and newspaper articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, podcasts and links to websites.

A multidisciplinary collection of over 904 publications. The majority of the publications are in Spanish. hours will be 2 PM -10 PM.

Free online homework help with real tutors for students in grades K–12, college introductory courses, adult learners and job seekers.  The SkillsCenter Resource Library provides lessons, study guides and other Homework Resources, Test Prep Resources for SAT, ACT, GED and other standardized tests and Career Resources including resume and cover letter templates, interview guidelines and local job openings.

Designed for high school and college students, World Book Advanced includes reference sources, multimedia, ebooks, and primary sources.

An expansive reference database that includes the complete World Book Encyclopedia, World Book Dictionary, World Book Atlas, an extensive multimedia collection, and thousands of Web sites.